Monday, March 25, 2013

Reflection #8

My brother and I have an unbreakable bond. We talk about anything and everything and we do not judge each other.  I trust Tim with my life.  A huge part of our relationship is built on trust.  We tell each other things that we don’t want anyone else to know and trust that they will stay between the two of us.  Tim and I know a lot of things about each other that our parents do not know.  There are the rare occasions when Tim and I get in a fight and sometimes our secrets come out to our parents. For the most part though, our secrets stay between the two of us.  Tim has had some problems in his life.  He’s been mixed up with, I would say, some wrong crowds. He’s done some illegal activity in his life and it’s affected our family, especially me because we are the closest.  His behavior has affected his grades and our relationship.  There are times where I am just so mad at him that I start crying out of anger.   At one point I couldn’t stand it anymore.  I was genuinely worried about him, his grades, and his safety.  I was bawling my eyes out and let my emotions tell me what I should do.  I knew that if I was bothered by what was going on I needed to tell my parents.  So I did.  I was worried about what they say and what would happen to Tim but mostly I was worried that he was going to hate me.  Long story short I talked to everything out with my brother and he for sure doesn’t hate me.  Our relationship is stronger than ever but I definitely tested our moral code with each other.

Imagining myself with a mutation that does not allow me to pass as a homo sapien is kind of scary to be honest.  I can imagine that I would feel isolated an alone.  I imagine getting a lot of stares and walking with my eyes on the ground. I am the first to admit that I have several insecurities already so having a mutation would be really hard for me. I feel that I would not embrace this exterior mutation.  If there were others out there with mutations like me I would probably try to band together with them. They would become my family.  I would use then for advice, support, and friendship.  Hopefully people with exterior mutations in our world look to the X-Men and know there are others like them who will offer their support, advice, love, and friendship.

If I had a mutation that would allow me to pass as a homo sapien I think that I might enjoy it.  I could still walk around with confidence and have the same life style as any other human.   I wouldn’t have to endure stares, thank god.  I don’t think that I would become a superhero with the tights, cape, and all that stuff , though.  I would just assist humanity in smaller ways whenever I could. It is way too much responsibility being a superhero if it’s anything like all the superheroes we have studied. 

I’m not sure what mutant I identify with the most.  Probably one that has a mutation that allows them to “pass”.  I have all these things about me and all these qualities that are hidden on the inside.  Not everyone gets to see the real me because I either don’t have the opportunity to show them or I just don’t want to.  I know being a good friend is not a mutation but it’s a big part of my life.  I don’t always show everyone because I don’t think that some people deserve it but when I do show someone that quality it’s very important  to me and it’s something that I hold dear to me.



  1. I have a really close bond with my sister, too. She's still in high school and I'm most excited to see her when I go back home. It can be hard to do the right thing because sometimes it's not very easy. And I'm the same way. I don't always show the real me to everyone, but I think I should.

  2. I think its cool that you are that close with your brother. I haven't really became too close with my siblings as of late and I am glad I have become a lot closer. I think that everyone should become closer to their siblings.
