Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Reflection #9

I live in a town where there are a lot of problems. You name it, we got it.  There are homeless people, jobless people, drug dealers, lots of crime, vandalism, murders, etc. The list goes on.  I live in Galesburg, Illinois and I am not proud to be from there.  If I had to choose a problem and try to combat it I would probably try to just clean up the town.  There are many “eye sores” in Galesburg.  Every other building is vacant and falling apart.  Windows are busted out, doors are missing, and the grass is so tall it tops my head. People live in once beautiful houses and don’t take care of them.  You wouldn't be able to tell that some of the ginormous Victorian houses were once beautiful pieces of Galesburg’s rich history.  All I want is for Galesburg to be that beautiful place again and a place where people want to live and raise their children. I want Galesburg to be a place where businesses want to move to so we can have more jobs. I would knock down all the eye sores in Galesburg and plant nice grass there that would be better to look at than broken down buildings.  I wish this could happen for my home town but unfortunately the town is getting worse and worse.
My costume would be constructed out of some sort of germ proof material where bacteria couldn't reach my skin.  It would need to be durable too if I was going to be messing around with old buildings. It would probably be kind of like a jump suit that mechanics wear and it would probably have to be plastic.  I would need to wear thick, rubber boots and a mask that would let me breathe but wouldn't let bacteria in.  I wouldn't need the mask for identity purposes because I wouldn't mind if the town knew that I was the one cleaning up the place.
From the movie, I feel like I identify with Zetaman the most.      When I help people out, it comes from a very genuine place. I don’t do it for a major personal benefit. I do it because it helps others out and the self satisfaction part is just an added bonus. Zetaman does not hand out food and clothing for his benefit.  His does it to help out his community and stay active in his community and that is what makes him special. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your choice of combat. A lot of my friends and I wish we could do the same to our town. There is so much potential and history and we want it to be preserved. I think the cause of the degradation is the people who don't know or don't care to take care of their property. We need to somehow have Dr. Manhattan blow up every "eye sore" as a warning to what will happen to things not being taken care of!
